When the mind can’t figure out how something will work, it often causes the body to shut down in fear. But “figuring it out” won’t loosen the grip of fear. To get unstuck you must get out of your mind.
How to Get Out of Looping Thoughts
If you find yourself stuck in looping thoughts, fixated on the same ideas, or rehashing the same solutions to old problems, here’s a quick and simple way to get out of the loops and spark new thinking.
“Highly Sensitive” is the Superpower of Attunement
If you’re a Highly Sensitive Person who sometimes bristles at the label, this reframe will help you see your sensitivity as a superpower.
3 Places to Install Intentional Stillness Into Your Day
When life is feeling chaotic, it’s normal to want to go off the grid. But you don’t need to travel far to find your center. Here are 3 places in your day to add pockets of intentional stillness so you can remain grounded.
How You Create Ripple Effects
Your practice of filling your cup isn’t just for your benefit. How you show up in your interactions with others has ripple effects that extend way beyond what you can see.
We Need to Talk About Anger
We live in a culture that conditions us to believe anger is bad and we shouldn’t talk about it. Which is exactly why we must talk about it.
7 Ways a Traumatic Brain Injury Changed my Life Trajectory
10 years ago I sustained a traumatic brain injury. Here are 7 ways that singular moment changed my life trajectory.
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