When setting goals, don’t overlook the crucial question that determines whether you’ll actually feel good about what you achieve.
Why Doing More Won’t Help You Make Progress
When you’re stagnating or not seeing results, pushing harder or doing more won’t help you move forward. Here’s what will.
3 Practical Ways to Work With the New Moon in Capricorn
The New Moon in Capricorn arrives just in time to help us close out this year and plan for the next cycle. Here are 3 practical ways to work with it to set yourself up for long-term success.
Venus in Capricorn: Invest in What Will Last
To create something that will endure is not easy, cheap, or convenient. Venus in Capricorn reminds us that if we want to create something that will stand the test of time we must be willing to invest our resources over the long term.
How to Exercise and Stay Active Without Getting Bored
How do you exercise and stay active consistently without getting bored? Here’s my answer, based on 11 years of daily workouts.
The One Simple Change That Has Helped Me PR Every Lift
Over the past 3 weeks I’ve hit new PRs in every lift, even as my schedule and focus have been in disarray. Here’s the one simple change that has played a crucial role in my success.
The Benefits of Distraction
Distraction often gets a lot of bad press, but sometimes it can be a useful ally.
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