In the symbolism of the elemental archetypes, the element of air is often taken for granted because it is unseen. But air may be the most powerful element of all.
The Ultimate Framework For Organizing Your Life and Time
With so many roles, responsibilities, and ideas, how can you keep yourself out of overwhelm? Introducing a system that can help you organize everything — including your time.
The Procrastination Matrix Will Help You Finally Get Things Done
Not all procrastination is based in fear. Use this Procrastination Matrix to uncover the root cause keeping you from what you know you want to be doing and finally get it done.
5 Stages of the Learning Process and Their Resistance Archetypes
Whether you’re the teacher or the student, it’s crucial to know the 5 stages of the learning process and how resistance shows up in each one, so you can navigate the journey effectively.
3 Ways to Structure Your Work Like a Workout
The brain is not a machine that we can turn on or off at will. It’s a muscle. Ensuring optimal performance requires us to use the principles we apply to other muscles. Here are 3 ways to structure your work like a workout.
It’s Time for a New Paradigm of Productivity
A culture focused on quantifying our lives through traditional productivity metrics that value “getting things done” misses the point of what it takes to create a life of meaning, purpose, and fulfillment. It’s time for a new paradigm of productivity that embraces a holistic approach.
A New Language For Your Creative Process
Instead of thinking about creativity as a muscle to be strengthened, here’s a new way to consider the creative process. It will shape how you approach it for best results.