When setting goals, don’t overlook the crucial question that determines whether you’ll actually feel good about what you achieve.
A Contrarian Strategy for Clearing Your Mind
When you’re caught in the web of spinning thoughts and ideas, this strategy can help you clear your mind without creating more work and overwhelm.
Why Doing More Won’t Help You Make Progress
When you’re stagnating or not seeing results, pushing harder or doing more won’t help you move forward. Here’s what will.
What if You Don’t Have to “Work On” It?
In a culture that teaches us that there’s always something to improve, sometimes the biggest challenge is in accepting that we don’t need to “work on” what we want to cultivate.
This Journaling Practice Will Change Your Life
Ending your days focused on what went wrong and what you didn’t do will lead to feeling defeated and burned out. This 10-minute journaling practice takes you out of rumination and helps you find the good — even on the bad days.
Rethinking the Merits of “No Pain, No Gain”
Cultural conditioning about “no pain, no gain” can lead us to dismiss gentle movement as “not enough.” What if this assumption is wrong?
The Error of “Cause and Effect” Thinking
It’s human nature to assume that X happened because of Y. But life is rarely so linear.
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