Knowing the benefits of exercise doesn’t help much when you just aren’t feeling energized to workout. Here are 5 steps to working out when you don’t feel motivated.
How I Sustain Motivation to Exercise Daily
I haven’t missed a daily workout in over a decade. Here’s how I sustain my motivation to workout every day, even when I don’t feel like it.
3 Proven Strategies to Start a Task When You’re Stalling
A little bit of delay getting started on a task can be normal, especially for neurodivergent people. But if you find yourself excessively stalling, it’s time for an intervention. Here are 3 proven strategies that can help you stop stalling and finally get started.
5 Reasons to Use the Gym as Your Writing Space if You Have ADHD
The gym can be the perfect place to get work done while avoiding the pitfalls that often trap people with ADHD. Here are 5 reasons why this works so well.
Mars Trine Uranus: Revolutionize How You Work
As Mars in Capricorn forms a supportive trine to Uranus in Taurus, it sets the stage for a revolution in how you work, helping you find liberation when it comes to tackling your to-do list.
The Secret Ingredient for Focused Efficiency for People with ADHD
If you have ADHD or otherwise identify as neurodivergent, you know how hard it is to stay on task. Having a plan is a good start, but it’s not enough. Here’s the secret ingredient to staying focused and being efficient.
Is Pursuit of Effectiveness Actually Effective?
Dominant productivity culture tells us we should aim to be effective in our work. But is the aim to be effective really the end goal?