If you have ADHD or otherwise identify as neurodivergent, you know how hard it is to stay on task. Having a plan is a good start, but it’s not enough. Here’s the secret ingredient to staying focused and being efficient.
How to Create an Expansive and Achievable Vision
A vision is the foundational element of anything you want to create, but vision has its limits. Here’s what you need to create a vision that is both expansive and achievable.
5 Key Ingredients to Achieve Big Goals
If you want to accomplish big things this year, you’ll need a recipe for it. Here are 5 ingredients that will help you accomplish goals beyond your wildest dreams.
The Gift of Ignorance in Achieving Big Goals
As a coach, yoga teacher, and mindfulness practitioner, a core part of my practice and work with clients is to facilitate awareness. Yet one of my biggest lessons of 2023 is that sometimes a little ignorance can be a helpful thing.
5 Important Lessons I Learned in 2023 About Achieving Big Goals
A singular experience of my year reveals 5 lessons I learned about the actions and mindset required to achieve goals that I didn’t even think were possible for me.
Are You Living for Your Obituary or Your Eulogy?
An obituary is not the same as a eulogy. In the quest to “leave a lasting legacy,” we might get hung up on amorphous visions to “impact the world” and create obituary-worthy achievements while overlooking the more lasting impact of our interpersonal interactions.
3 Lessons You Can Apply From The 4-Minute Mile and 2-Hour Marathon
In theory a 4-minute mile is a 1:45 marathon. Yet it took 65 years from the 4-minute mile to break the 2-hour marathon barrier. Three lessons we can learn from this.