Insights and profound lessons can come to us anywhere, while we’re doing anything. You just need to be paying attention.
3 Reasons Why You Need a “Signature Dish” For Holiday Meals
Finding inspiration and experimenting with new recipes can be a fun creative project. But when it comes to holiday meal prep, it’s best to stick to what’s tried and true. Here are 3 reasons why you need a signature dish at the holidays.
How to Operate Your Mind More Efficiently
Just like having many open tabs on your browser consumes bandwidth that slows down your computer, open tabs in your mind make your mind less efficient. Here’s how to close the tabs to regain focus and energy.
Not All Inaction is Procrastination — 3 Legitimate Reasons to Delay
Contrary to popular belief, not all delay or inaction is procrastination. Here are 3 legitimate reasons to delay taking action, even if you feel like you should be acting faster.
How Astrological Literacy Freed Me From a Cycle of Shame and Blame
In the moment I was about to spiral down the drain of shame and blame over another failed goal, I was saved by an insight thanks to newfound literacy in astrology. Here’s how understanding my solar return chart saved me from a cycle of despair, and how it can help you.
The Secret Ingredient for Focused Efficiency for People with ADHD
If you have ADHD or otherwise identify as neurodivergent, you know how hard it is to stay on task. Having a plan is a good start, but it’s not enough. Here’s the secret ingredient to staying focused and being efficient.
5 Strategies From CrossFit to Create More Time, Energy, and Efficiency in Your Daily Routine
In Part 3 of this series on CrossFit’s DT workout, I distill the lessons I learned from shaving 6 minutes off my time into 5 actionable tips you can use to structure your day for more time, energy, and efficiency.