In the canons of productivity advice, the advice to “eat the frog” — to do your most difficult task first — is the worst. Here’s why it’s flawed and what to do instead.
Is Emotional Dissonance Interfering with Your Action?
Emotional dissonance is when the emotions you feel in the moment are different from the emotions you associate with the action you want to take. For people with ADHD, it’s often a barrier to action.
Use This Simple Sales Tip to End Procrastination
I’ve worked in sales for over 15 years. One of the best sales tips I’ve ever learned is also a key to unlocking procrastination and boosting your productivity.
Not All Inaction is Procrastination — 3 Legitimate Reasons to Delay
Contrary to popular belief, not all delay or inaction is procrastination. Here are 3 legitimate reasons to delay taking action, even if you feel like you should be acting faster.
The Procrastination Matrix Will Help You Finally Get Things Done
Not all procrastination is based in fear. Use this Procrastination Matrix to uncover the root cause keeping you from what you know you want to be doing and finally get it done.
Why You Must Take a Holistic View of Life
Life cannot be reduced to it’s components. At any moment, we are subject to multiple influences, making it essential that we take a holistic view and see the bigger picture.
3 Proven Strategies to Start a Task When You’re Stalling
A little bit of delay getting started on a task can be normal, especially for neurodivergent people. But if you find yourself excessively stalling, it’s time for an intervention. Here are 3 proven strategies that can help you stop stalling and finally get started.