The body has a natural strategy that doesn’t always serve it well, but this same strategy would benefit the mind.
5 Ways Grief Can Impact Your Workout
Grief lives in the body, so it comes with us wherever we go — including our workouts. Here are 5 ways grief can impact your workout.
Success Requires a Holistic Approach
One of the biggest myths about success and failure is that they are attributable to a singular cause. The truth is that everything is an interconnected system, which is why success requires a holistic approach.
3 Gifts That Will Make the Biggest Impact
Everyone loves to open a nicely-wrapped gift. But the gifts that we most need and desire can’t be wrapped or put under a tree.
The Cost of Hitting Snooze
In the moment you hit the snooze button on your alarm clock, you may think you’re indulging in self-care by giving yourself extra sleep. But you’re actually setting in motion a cascade of events that will wreak havoc on your body’s functions, your productivity, and your energy.
The Little Things Are the Big Things
It’s not always easy to make time to do the little things, which often feel boring and non-productive. But if you don’t take action on the daily maintenance tasks, they become the big things that get in the way.
Is Breathwork More Effective Than Meditation?
Is breathwork more effective than meditation? It’s a trick question, and one that reveals significant ignorance. Let’s break it down.
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