In your house there are various tasks that you must do regularly to maintain the functional integrity of your home: flushing the toilets, taking out the garbage, dusting and cleaning, opening the windows to air out the rooms, sweeping the floors, emptying dehumidifiers, and so on.
If you don’t make time to take care of these little things, you might find yourself suddenly facing a flooded basement, which inevitably requires more time to fix.
In your body, many of these little things happen without your awareness. Your heart pumps blood, your lungs take in oxygen, your kidneys process waste, your cells reproduce, and hundreds of other little things happen under the surface.
Most of this happens without your involvement, but you still need to do some basic daily maintenance to keep it all functioning properly: movement, nourishment, and sleep.
When something fails to work properly, that’s when we get illness, injury, or other issues.
The same goes for other parts of your life, including your work. Each realm of life has various “maintenance” tasks we must fit into our schedules, or we’ll find ourselves without a well-running life.
The little things are the big things.
It Doesn’t Feel Productive
The little things aren’t always “sexy.” They don’t feel productive. They don’t have the dopamine rush of a big accomplishment.
Nobody is giving you a medal for doing the laundry or cooking dinner.
They rarely appear on your to-do list or your calendar, even though you know you have to do them.
And they can feel like they take energy and time away from the bigger things.
It’s easy to brush them off because you “don’t have time.”
But when you look at what keeps you from doing the work you know you need to do, these are the things that usually come up.
Invariably, the time and energy it takes to correct problems once they become big things is greater than the time it would take to do the proactive maintenance.
The little things become the big things.
The Domain of Virgo Season
In the framework of the astrology “house” system, the house associated with Virgo is the domain of these little tasks that fuel our work and health. Simply the organization of this area of life to cover both work and health offers wisdom:
Without health, you can’t even conceive of doing your best work.
Virgo season pulls our focus to these tasks. Virgo loves routine, systems, schedules, processes, and rituals. During this season, it invites us to evaluate where our systems are working for us and where we need to upgrade our routines to ease our ability to take the daily actions that matter.
To create time for these “little things” invariably requires we uplevel our current routines or create new ones.
Where Do You Need an Upgrade?
With the Sun in Virgo and Mercury, Virgo’s ruler, currently retrograde in Virgo, we are in a larger container of reviewing our daily routines, systems, processes, rituals, and habits.
Virgo is the sign of sacred service. During Virgo season, one of the primary question is
What daily habits, rituals, and routines do you need to create fill your cup and fuel your service to the world?
Mercury retrograde in Virgo asks us to consider whether our habits, rituals, and routines are serving our larger vision.
What systems are working well?
Which ones are no longer working?
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