Although journaling is a common practice to work through challenging emotions, it can also do more harm than good. Here are 3 reasons why journaling can make you feel worse.
How Routine Helps Me Navigate Grief
How routines and rituals can help keep us anchored to the land of the living, even in the face of death.
3 Image Concerns That Hold Back Neuro-Divergent Women From Promoting Their Work Online
85 percent of women opt out of life events because they don’t like how they look. But image concerns go beyond physical appearance. Here are 3 unseen image concerns that hold back neuro-divergent women from embracing visibility online.
Knowledge Work is Physical Work
We need to stop thinking of knowledge work as only cognitive work. No matter what you do, you are using your body.
5 Simple Ways to Reboot an Overloaded Nervous System
When the nervous system gets over-stimulated, it can shut down the mind and the body. Here are 5 simple ways to reboot the central nervous system when it goes offline.
3 Tips for a Trauma-Informed Holiday Season
For many people, the holidays and related gatherings can be overstimulating and dysregulating. Here are 3 tips to stay trauma-informed during the holiday season.
It’s Time to Stop Running
I yearn for time to rest, and then I do everything I can to avoid it. It’s time to stop running and be with the discomfort.