85 percent of women opt out of life events because they don’t like how they look. But image concerns go beyond physical appearance. Here are 3 unseen image concerns that hold back neuro-divergent women from embracing visibility online.
The #1 Factor That Keeps Women From Realizing Their Potential
When it comes to the reasons we stay in hiding and don’t share our work, there’s one issue that looms larger than all the others. And it applies most potently for women.
6 Topics That Come Up For Review During Venus Retrograde in Leo
Venus retrogrades often mark pivotal moments for us collectively and personally. Here are 6 topics that come up for review as the planet of love and desire travels backward through Leo.
5 Things to Know About Venus Retrograde in Leo
Venus retrogrades happen on a predictable cycle and in a predictable pattern, for a duration that is highly significant. Understanding the pattern can help us see what to look for in our lives during this potent period.