Being a passenger runs counter to a culture that pushes us to take the wheel of life, but there’s a value in learning how to go along for the ride.
A Contrarian Strategy for Clearing Your Mind
When you’re caught in the web of spinning thoughts and ideas, this strategy can help you clear your mind without creating more work and overwhelm.
Your Most Valuable Asset (Hint: It Isn’t Time)
It’s engrained in our cultural thinking that time is our most valuable asset, but this is false. Our most valuable asset is that which dictates how we work within time.
The Procrastination Matrix Will Help You Finally Get Things Done
Not all procrastination is based in fear. Use this Procrastination Matrix to uncover the root cause keeping you from what you know you want to be doing and finally get it done.
New Moon in Gemini: Explore Your Ideas and Pick a Path
The New Moon in Gemini magnifies all of our brilliant ideas and insights, and also forces us to choose a one to implement. Even twins are born one at a time.
3 Ways You Deplete Your Energy For a Task Before You Even Start
Every task requires a certain amount of bandwidth, or energy, to complete. The more that consumes your bandwidth, the less available to do the task, resulting in procrastination. Here are the 3 main culprits and how to clear the space.