In our data-obsessed world, we tend to value the rational objectivity of detached analysis. But ignoring the subjective perspective can leave us with an incomplete picture.
Your Most Valuable Asset (Hint: It Isn’t Time)
It’s engrained in our cultural thinking that time is our most valuable asset, but this is false. Our most valuable asset is that which dictates how we work within time.
The Time-Saving Power of Equanimity
When it comes to getting things done, most people focus purely on time. But the biggest drain on time is our emotion. When navigating the heavy lifts of life, frustration can deplete energy and time. Maintaining equanimity in the face of failure and rejection can give us time.
3 Reasons to Maintain Your Daily Practice, Even When You Don’t Feel Like It
To maintain consistency in exercise, writing, publishing, of anything else, you must remove your feelings from the process. 3 reasons why this is so important.
Remembering 9/11: 5 Factors that Create Vivid Memories
21 years after 9/11, I can still recall the events of that day with alarming specificity. I uncovered 5 factors that cause us to remember some events so vividly, even years later.
An Orange in a Bag of Apples
What’s on the outside reflects what’s on the inside. Self-care and nourishment must go beneath the surface if you want to truly shine.
4 Things You Need For Your Ideas to Flourish
Nature can teach us how to create the environment that will allow our ideas to flourish and thrive.