When it comes to making changes, you can’t trust “how you feel.”
Facing the Reality of Living in a Human Body
The reality of life is that all material things eventually break down, including the human body. How we navigate this inevitability makes all the difference.
How to Expand Your Capacity to Do and Receive More
Expanding your capacity isn’t the result of powering or pushing through. Introducing a metaphor that will help you chart your path to manifesting your visions and expanding your capacity to do and receive more.
What if You Don’t Have to “Work On” It?
In a culture that teaches us that there’s always something to improve, sometimes the biggest challenge is in accepting that we don’t need to “work on” what we want to cultivate.
Why Yin Yoga is the Ideal Practice for Scorpio Season
The lessons of Scorpio season are best embodied through the practice of yin yoga. Here’s what they have in common.
The Challenge of Basics
Before you knock on “basics” as being “boring,” consider how well you implement the basics consistently. Doing the basics well on a consistent basis is more challenging that it seems.
The Choice After Every Disruption: Restore vs Reform
We often seek to restore the old status quo after a disruption, but if we want to move forward, we should seek reformation instead.