The full moon in Scorpio invites us to dive deep into the depths of our emotions to reclaim bandwidth and power to do our best work.
Venus in Scorpio: Pursue Your Taboo Desires
While Venus transits through Scorpio, it invites us to explore our desires that go against the grain and to embrace ways of working that may not be the cultural norm.
Mars Cazimi in Scorpio: Fire Up Your Determination
Mars meets up with the Sun once every two years. It does so in its home sign of Scorpio only once every 32 years. Here’s how to work with this auspicious moment.
Where to Find Your Power
The new moon in Scorpio is here to help us liberate ourselves from whatever is disrupting our power. Hint: that force is closer than you might realize.
New Moon in Scorpio: Find Liberation Through Grief
The new moon in Scorpio reminds us that true transformation and liberation only come when we can accept the necessary death of things and grieve our loss.
Mars Opposite Uranus: The Courage to Forge a New Path
As Mars in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus, it mirrors the volatility in our world, while also inviting us to harness the courage to forge a new path.
Lunar Eclipse in Taurus: Mediating War and Peace
Every full moon illuminates a potential polarity. With the full moon in Taurus, the sun is in Scorpio, bringing focus to the polarities of war and peace. By sitting with the discomfort, we can mediate them to find a place of healing.