After months of failures, I finally deadlifted 200 pounds for 5 reps. I did it without a coach or a class cheering me on, which taught me the biggest lesson of deadlifts.
The Alternative to Taking the Leap
I’ve been doing flying trapeze for 20 years. This is the advice I give all new flyers before they climb the ladder.
The Best System for Organizing Your Ideas
Rather than spending hours tagging and organizing your notes and ideas, try this system that’s far more simple, and helps you build a more enduring muscle.
Mercury Retrograde and the Full Moon in Pisces: How Do You Handle Radical Uncertainty?
In the face of radical uncertainty, human nature is to grab on to anything tangible, even if it isn’t secure. This full moon in Pisces invites us to consider another way.
3 Types of Feedback to Ignore
Not all feedback will help you improve. Some can actually sabotage you. Here are 3 types of feedback to ignore.
The Superpower of Innovators
Two divergent sources shed light on the superpower of creative innovators, proving that wisdom is a universal language.
The Cost of Self-Doubt
Self-doubt has real costs to your time, energy, emotions, and spirit. Letting it go unchecked can derail your best work.