Expanding your capacity isn’t the result of powering or pushing through. Introducing a metaphor that will help you chart your path to manifesting your visions and expanding your capacity to do and receive more.
Debunking the ADHD Motivation Myth
People with ADHD often get labeled as “lazy” or “unmotivated.” It’s not accurate and represents a misunderstanding of what’s actually happening.
3 Tips to Communicate More Effectively With Anyone
Ineffective communication is one of the biggest drains on our time and energy. Here are 3 tips for getting your point across without having to repeat yourself a million times.
How to Improve Your Outcome Without Improving Your Skills
When you’re feeling stuck in achieving an outcome, stop trying to do it better. Instead, change how you handle the situation and do it differently.
Are You Support Systems Keeping You Stuck?
After over 20 years of practicing yoga, a simple shift changed my practice and taught me that the tools we rely on for support can sometimes mask our incompetencies, preventing us from making progress and realizing our true potential.
The Liberating Power of Functional Forms
I have a love/hate relationship with structure, but through the practice of Katonah Yoga I’ve learned how the formality of forms and structure can be transformative to getting us out of our habits and helping us fulfill our potential.
A New Language For Your Creative Process
Instead of thinking about creativity as a muscle to be strengthened, here’s a new way to consider the creative process. It will shape how you approach it for best results.