Many people I know like to say that if you focus on what you need to make happen and work really hard, then the universe will help you and put the rest in place. Sometimes that is true and it works out. And other times, you bust ass all week, ignore everything else to make […]
Writing is Hard
I’ll be honest. Writing is hard. Harder than I thought it would be. I wasn’t a stranger to writing, before. I lost count of how many essays and papers I wrote throughout seven years of college and law school. As a lawyer I wrote dozens of legal briefs. I was no stranger to writing. But […]
Searching for Love and Real Estate
House-hunting and spouse-hunting are more similar than you might think… The process is fraught with uncertainty, doubt and emotional upheaval. It is a journey filled with emotional minefields that can force even the most centered person to question who they are and what they want in life. It can ignite your hopes and enthusiasm — […]
Pain vs Pleasure
A few months ago, a friend solicited advice on Facebook on how to encourage her young daughter to participate in a competition at school. Her daughter was resistant to participating, despite knowing that she could do well and having enjoyed this type of competition before. The comments thread was filled with helpful advice from other […]
My 3 Words for 2014
Happy New Year! And also: welcome to My Meadow Report! I am so thrilled to have you here. I have lots to say about what this site is about and where it will be heading, but the first order of business today is to kick off 2014. A few years ago I started what has […]
Expressing Gratitude to My Body
Expressing My Gratitude It is Thanksgiving morning, so it seems especially fitting to start my day with gratitude. I do this by getting to the gym, just like I do every morning. I am grateful to my body for everything it allows me to do: the crazy long hours, swimming, trapeze, trampoline, getting up in […]