Mars square Saturn aspects can be hard, exhausting, and test the limits of our frustration. They can also be helpful in a weird way. Here are 3 positive outcomes from Mars square Saturn.
5 Ways to Navigate Obstacles on Your Path
It’s easy to get frustrated when we encounter limitations or obstacles in our path. Here are 5 tips for navigating those obstacles. Choose your own adventure.
5 Tips to Stay the Course When You’re Hitting Your Limits
When your big vision and high drive to action keeps hitting the limits of your capacity in the moment, how do you stay the course without resorting to despair? Here are 5 tips for keeping going even when there’s heavy traffic.
3 Reasons Why You Secretly Love the Struggle
Does it seem like you’re always taking the hard path to every result? Here are 3 reasons why you secretly love the struggle.
A Reminder For You On Hard Days
Life inevitably will hand you challenging days, and it’s nobody’s fault — not even yours. Here are some important reminders for those days, and the skill to help you through them so you can bounce back better tomorrow.
3 Ways to Maximize Your Productivity with Mars in Taurus
The planet Mars represents our willpower, action, and drive. In Taurus, it is said to be in detriment. But that doesn’t mean it can’t take action. Here are 3 ways to work with the energy of this transit to maximize your productivity.
Sun Square Saturn: Your Hero’s Journey
When the Sun forms a square with Saturn, it invites us to look at where we need to transcend our ego for our higher purpose.