I love to practice deadlifts.
Deadlift day in CrossFit is always my favorite day. When I work with my current PT, that’s often the only thing I want to do.
Although I know that it’s not realistic for me to strive for new Personal Records every week, it feels good when I break a new barrier.
It’s also fun to share the highlights on my Instagram stories.
Deadlifts are “sexy.” This is the type of content that we gravitate towards. We like to see people do big things that seem difficult.
There’s big movement. Action. The suspense of “will the person pull this off?”
That said, whenever I post a clip of a deadlift highlight, a part of me feels incongruent.
Because what I don’t show nearly as much is all the little things I do behind the scenes that facilitate my deadlifts progress:
- Mobility drills for my ankles and hips.
- Drills to strengthen my feet.
- Breathing drills to practice retaining my air to support my back.
- Squat drills to help me strengthen my quads.
- Drills to activate my lats.
It’s on me to be willing to show this stuff more, to help shift the mythology around what it takes to see results.
Just to be clear:
This isn’t about deadlifts.
The principle here is universal. It applies to any area of your life — relationships, business, your home, your body, your health.
Big Results Flow From Consistency in Small Actions
The big, sexy results you want — the income goals, the life of “freedom,” a beautiful and nourishing home, supportive relationships, well-adjusted children — require consistent action in a lot of little things.
The little things generally aren’t “sexy.” In fact, they are often boring. I’ve lost count at how many times I have told my PT that a specific exercise “isn’t doing anything” or “isn’t working.”
I say it daily about my blog.
This is why most people quit. Or, they don’t even start in the first place.
The truth is that you don’t know in the moment what is working because “working” is a cumulative process. The little things work only when you do them consistently over the long arc of time.
How I Force Myself to Do The Boring Things
Many people assume that because I workout daily and publish a daily blog, among other things, that I’m naturally good at the kind of “discipline” required to do the boring things daily.
Here’s some truth: If left to my own devices, I easily default to my habits: what’s comfortable and easy.
I might spend hours researching which exercises to do, learning about body mechanics and movement patterns, but never actually get around to practicing those drills and working on the techniques.
Finding Freedom in Constraints
It’s taken me several years to accept that as much as I crave freedom in my life, I also crave structure and constraints.
Sometimes, freedom is the freedom to not have to make decisions.
Without my commitment to publish daily, I would easily blow off writing.
When it comes to my commitment to getting stronger, that’s why I go to CrossFit and work with a PT.
They give me structure and free my cognitive energy from having to think about all the pieces.
I rely on my PT to tell me the drills to do. I let him be the expert in that realm, so that I can focus my energy on implementing instead of research.
As an extra layer of accountability, I also film myself doing all the drills and I share the videos with him to review.
He primarily reviews for form, but if I veer off course by skipping something or reducing my weights, he’ll call me out on it.
It can be infuriating, but it’s what I need.
Venus Trine Saturn: Structure for the Results You Desire
Today, Venus in Cancer makes a trine to Saturn in Pisces.
Venus is the planet of pleasure and desire. Saturn is the planet of structure and time.
A trine is a helpful aspect, where the energies come together in a supportive way.
Venus trine Saturn asks us to look at what structures and systems we need to get the results we desire. It’s an aspect that supports commitment to a desired outcome.
Saturn is currently in Pisces, which corresponds to the 12th house, the area of our life where stuff happens behind the scenes.
So this aspect in this particular configuration specifically asks us to look at what structures we need to do the little, boring things — the things that don’t get recognized, that don’t get the likes and hearts and fist bumps.
Saturn teaches us about time and patience. It wants to help us cultivate the patience to do the drills and exercises that may not feel like they’re working, or that they are yielding results, but that will pay dividends if we do them consistently over the long arc of time.
How to Find the Structure You Need
The invitation of Venus trine Saturn is to look for the places in your life where you want to see bigger results, and create a structure to support you in doing the little things that will get you there.
The good news is, the structure you need isn’t a mystery.
Life is all about seeing the patterns.
In my life, the success patterns often emerge most visibly in my physical practice and training. Once I see what works, I take the principles and apply them to other areas of my life.
You likely have a place in your life that is like my deadlifts: a place where you’re seeing progress because you’re doing the little things consistently.
Look for the success patterns in that place and apply them to the place where you want to see different results.
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