CrossFit’s Murph workout is a legendary “Hero WOD” that is simple on paper but grueling in execution. Here’s the most important lesson I learned from my first time doing this workout.
The Biggest Factor that Determines Success
The biggest factor that determines success is not the quality of your work, what you do, or even how you do it. It’s about how often you put yourself in the game.
The Surprising Way to Make Workouts and Work More Effective
A recent change in my routine reminded me of a surprising way to make workouts and work more effective and efficient. The biggest challenge might be giving yourself permission to employ it.
How to Change Your Relationship to Something You Dislike
After exploring my improved performance on the CrossFit DT workout, the most important lesson I learned was about how to change your relationship to something you dislike. This may be the most crucial lesson for our current world.
3 Factors That Make the CrossFit “DT” Workout Deceptively Complex
The CrossFit DT workout seems simple on paper, but nobody does a workout on paper. DT is actually one of the more complex CrossFit workouts. Here are 3 factors that make it so complex.
How I Cut My Time on the CrossFit “DT” Workout By 6 Minutes in 7 Weeks
CrossFit’s “DT” workout is one of the most challenging Hero WODs, both physically and mentally. I cut my time on this workout by almost a full 6 minutes in 7 weeks. Here are 3 factors that led to this improvement.