Flow state has a fundamental requirement that most people miss. Knowing what this element is — and understanding the proper way to employ it — is crucial for getting into flow states.
How to Workout Consistently — Even When You Don’t Feel Like It
I’ve maintained a daily workout routine for over a decade. Here’s is the secret for how I keep going — even when I don’t feel like it.
Competing Against Yourself is a Trap
It’s common to hear advice that “you’re competing only against yourself.” Here’s why that mindset is a trap.
3 Ways to Structure Your Work Like a Workout
The brain is not a machine that we can turn on or off at will. It’s a muscle. Ensuring optimal performance requires us to use the principles we apply to other muscles. Here are 3 ways to structure your work like a workout.
3 Reasons Why “Fear of Failure” is a Lazy Excuse
Blaming your inaction on a “fear of failure” is a common excuse won’t get you anywhere. Here are 3 reasons why “fear of failure” is a lazy excuse and how to actually work with this fear.
How I Cut My Time on the CrossFit “DT” Workout By 6 Minutes in 7 Weeks
CrossFit’s “DT” workout is one of the most challenging Hero WODs, both physically and mentally. I cut my time on this workout by almost a full 6 minutes in 7 weeks. Here are 3 factors that led to this improvement.
A Hidden Form of Self-Sabotage
If you think of self-sabotage only in the form of actions you’re not taking, you might be overlooking this crucial form of sabotage that impacts everything else.