Whether you’re growing a business, a relationship, building a long-term practice, or raising a child, there are 4 common factors for long-term success.
What’s the Best Workout? Here’s the Unbiased Truth
There’s no shortage of opinions about what is the best type of workout and it’s easy to get overwhelmed. I haven’t missed a daily workout in over 11 years, and I’ve done it all. Here’s my unbiased opinion on what’s the best.
The Problem With “1 Percent Better Every Day”
The idea of improving by 1% a day seems like a great way to make sustainable progress. But a crucial reality of how growth happens is often lost in the idea of “slow and steady gains.
The Most Practical Approach to Sustainable Productivity
Tired of productivity advice that leaves you teetering on the edge of burnout? The most practical and sustainable framework isn’t a new fad, but a proven practice that has withstood the test of time.
Why Doing More Won’t Help You Make Progress
When you’re stagnating or not seeing results, pushing harder or doing more won’t help you move forward. Here’s what will.
Venus in Capricorn: Invest in What Will Last
To create something that will endure is not easy, cheap, or convenient. Venus in Capricorn reminds us that if we want to create something that will stand the test of time we must be willing to invest our resources over the long term.
3 Ways to Drive Action Without Rewards
When you take action because of the rewards you expect to receive, what happens when you fail to receive the expected rewards? Here are 3 ways to source your actions from a different place so you can be consistent.
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