When you’re stagnating or not seeing results, pushing harder or doing more won’t help you move forward. Here’s what will.
An Overlooked Requirement of Flow State
Flow state has a fundamental requirement that most people miss. Knowing what this element is — and understanding the proper way to employ it — is crucial for getting into flow states.
How to Resolve Discomfort in a Yoga Pose — and in Life
Whether in a yoga pose or in life, our natural tendency is to avoid discomfort and find a way around it. But avoidance builds resistance. Here’s a different approach.
The Magic Formula to Improve in Any Skill
If you want to improve in anything you need 3 elements.
Debunking the Myth that Practice Leads to Progress
It’s time to end the myth that practice leads to progress. Learn the 3 key factors you need if you want to improve.
3 Elements of Change
Change is counterintuitive. You can’t just do what you feel like. Instead, you need a structure, which must include these 3 elements.
3 Elements of Effective Practice
Contrary to the popular saying, practice does not make perfect. It makes permanent. To be effective, practice must be intentional.