Tired of productivity advice that leaves you teetering on the edge of burnout? The most practical and sustainable framework isn’t a new fad, but a proven practice that has withstood the test of time.
Finding Acceptance in Rest
Sometimes when life throws us through an emotional roller coaster, we power through. Then, when the dust settles, our nervous system demands its time for repair. Here’s what that looks like for me right now.
How Do You React When You Hit Your Limits?
What happens when your ambition or vision bumps up against the reality of your limited resources–time, money, attention, focus, or cognitive bandwidth–or external constraints?
3 Reasons It’s Hard to Quit Even When You’re Burned Out
Have you ever felt reluctance to quit something even when you’ve felt burned out? Here are 3 reasons it can be hard to quit even when you’re burned out.
Mars/Saturn Conjunction: How to Take Consistent Action Without Burnout
As Mars and Saturn join together in Pisces, it could feel like a hard stop on our impulsive drives to action. It also can offer us an important lesson in how to work more sustainably to get more done without burning out.
Ask This Crucial Question to Get Clear on What You Really Desire
I thought I wanted a life of freedom as a digital nomad. Turns out that I thrive with more structure and people to show up for — in person. Here’s the question I should have asked to avoid a long journey down the wrong path.
Is This Belief About Work Sabotaging Your Results?
Prevailing cultural beliefs about what it takes to achieve results are deeply embedded in our internal operating systems. But current science provides evidence that by operating according to these beliefs we may be sabotaging our results.
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