Once you see the pattern of stopping yourself, you can dig deep to explore why. But sometimes, there’s a more relevant question — which can lead to an actual solution.
6 Elements to Include in Your To-Do List So You Actually Get Shit Done
If you know what you need to do but aren’t doing it, including these 6 elements will help you get clarity around your tasks so you stop procrastinating and actually get shit done.
3 Questions to Ask When Your Plan Gets Interrupted
When your work plan gets interrupted and you feel off-track, it’s easy to fall into a cycle of shame and self-blame. Before you fall down that hole, here are 3 questions to ask yourself.
Is This Belief About Work Sabotaging Your Results?
Prevailing cultural beliefs about what it takes to achieve results are deeply embedded in our internal operating systems. But current science provides evidence that by operating according to these beliefs we may be sabotaging our results.
3 Consequences of Constant Striving
We live in a goal-oriented culture that has conditioned us to pursue bigger, better, faster, more — in every realm. But this approach often deprives us of what truly matters in life. Here are 3 consequences of constantly striving.
Why You Should Stop Trying to Push Through Your Mid-Afternoon Dip
Your mid-afternoon dip isn’t a failing of willpower. It’s a function of biology. Learning how to respect work with your brain can give you the boost of productivity you desire in a more sustainable way.
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