Prevailing cultural beliefs about what it takes to achieve results are deeply embedded in our internal operating systems. But current science provides evidence that by operating according to these beliefs we may be sabotaging our results.
Venus in Cancer Trine Neptune in Pisces: Trust What Flows
As Venus in Cancer forms a supportive trine to Neptune in Pisces, it invites us to consider that maybe we won’t need to work so hard. What would it take to trust what flows?
How do you know when you’re giving up and when you’re letting go?
Heading towards the final of three south node eclipses in Scorpio, letting go is in the air. But how do you know when you’re giving up and when you’re letting go?
The Secret to Perfect Passover Sponge Cake — and Life Itself
Foolproof recipes aren’t always foolproof. The lesson I learned from baking my Bubby’s cherished Passover sponge cake is one that I’m also learning in my creative work, coaching programs, training regimen, and life in general.
What To Do When Your Results Don’t Match Your Efforts
When your results don’t match your efforts, doubling down on working harder isn’t the best solution. You need a different strategy.
Are You Working Too Hard? Why “Do Less” Is Not the Solution.
There’s a difference between “working too hard” and “doing too much.” And also possible that neither of these is your actual problem.
Creating Space For Grace
Grace fills empty spaces, but it can only enter where there is a void to receive it.