The New Moon in Scorpio, colored by a powerful Mars-Pluto opposition, invites us to examine the hidden forces driving our choices. Discover what unconscious patterns might be steering your path.
Mars Square Pluto: Reveal the Real Roots of Your Self-Sabotage
As Mars in Taurus squares Pluto in Aquarius, it offers us a way to address our inner “war” of self-sabotage without fighting battles.
Why Are You Stopping Yourself?
Once you see the pattern of stopping yourself, you can dig deep to explore why. But sometimes, there’s a more relevant question — which can lead to an actual solution.
The Courage to Be Open to Life As It Is
The spiritual path does not require us to bypass our unsavory emotions, but rather to open to accepting ourselves exactly where we are.,
How to End Self-Sabotage
Winter energy encourages us to journey into the darkness. Although we may resist, the willingness to venture into the dark that lies within us can help us end self-sabotage and boost our productivity.
5 Tips to Get Momentum When You’re Feeling Stuck
Do you ever feel stuck and realize that you’re the bottleneck? Here are 5 tips to get out of your own way and get momentum.
Are You Sabotaging Your Productivity By Making This Mistake?
When demands and deadlines loom, are you making the mistake that sabotages you productivity by cutting out the very thing that can enhance peak performance?