Memory needs no reminders because it doesn’t happen in the mind.
The Surprising Thing That Dissipates My Pain
When my body is in pain, it makes me want to shut down and hide, keeping me from promoting my work and being visible. Here is the surprising thing that causes the pain to dissipate.
Is This Belief About Work Sabotaging Your Results?
Prevailing cultural beliefs about what it takes to achieve results are deeply embedded in our internal operating systems. But current science provides evidence that by operating according to these beliefs we may be sabotaging our results.
Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio: Release + Grieve What Is Holding You Back
The lunar eclipse in Scorpio is here to help you release and grief what’s holding you back so that you can move forward. It’s powerful medicine, if you’re willing to take it.
5 Simple Ways to Reboot an Overloaded Nervous System
When the nervous system gets over-stimulated, it can shut down the mind and the body. Here are 5 simple ways to reboot the central nervous system when it goes offline.
3 Tips for a Trauma-Informed Holiday Season
For many people, the holidays and related gatherings can be overstimulating and dysregulating. Here are 3 tips to stay trauma-informed during the holiday season.