There’s no shortage of opinions about what is the best type of workout and it’s easy to get overwhelmed. I haven’t missed a daily workout in over 11 years, and I’ve done it all. Here’s my unbiased opinion on what’s the best.
The Best Weightlifting Advice I’ve Received
The belief that progress is linear sets us up to fail — in and out of the gym. This advice helped me remember that the mind doesn’t have the last word on the experience.
The Wisdom of Anger
Our culture tells us that anger is bad. We even have a lexicon of substitute words for “anger.” But anger is a normal emotion that can teach us some profound lessons, if we embrace it and allow it to be there.
Why “Eat the Frog” is the Worst Productivity Advice
In the canons of productivity advice, the advice to “eat the frog” — to do your most difficult task first — is the worst. Here’s why it’s flawed and what to do instead.
My Best Advice for New Bloggers
I’ve been publishing a blog for over 10 years. Here is my best advice for new bloggers just starting out.
A Guiding Principle For Everything You Do
Any time you’re fixated on a certain action, process, or result, step back, take a breath, and consider this guiding principle.
What To Do When You Don’t Feel Like Doing Anything
If you’re having a moment where you don’t feel like doing anything, you’re not alone. Here’s a guide to what to do when you can’t seem to find motivation for what you need to do.
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