Some days just aren’t good for getting things done. Learning how to embrace these days is its own skill and has its own rewards.
Mercury, Saturn, and Sun Conjunction in Pisces Supports You in Creating Clarity and Commitment to Your Most Important Projects
It’s impossible to make progress without clarity of vision and commitment to showing up over the long arc of time. As Mercury and Saturn join with the Sun in Pisces, they support us in getting clarity on our priorities and committing to the long haul process of implementation.
Mars Cazimi in Scorpio: Fire Up Your Determination
Mars meets up with the Sun once every two years. It does so in its home sign of Scorpio only once every 32 years. Here’s how to work with this auspicious moment.
New Moon in Scorpio: Find Liberation Through Grief
The new moon in Scorpio reminds us that true transformation and liberation only come when we can accept the necessary death of things and grieve our loss.
Leo Season Invites You to Claim the Spotlight
As the Sun enters its home sign of Leo, it invites us to claim our place in the spotlight. But three other events invite us to pause and explore what’s keeping us waiting in the wings.
Sun Conjunct Uranus in Taurus: Uproot Your Sense of Self
As the Sun meets up with Uranus in the most fixed part of the zodiacal wheel, it asks us to consider: who would you be if you didn’t know who you are?
Neptune Cazimi: Have Faith in What You Can’t See
As the Sun meets up with Neptune, it reminds us that the tangible and material experience we have each day is only one small part of what is actually happening. The illusion is believing you are solely responsible for your results in life.