The new moon in Scorpio reminds us that true transformation and liberation only come when we can accept the necessary death of things and grieve our loss.
Sun/Pluto Opposition: Explore Your Shadows
On the deepest level of our unconscious, we all yearn to be seen. It’s why a baby cries, why a toddler throws a tantrum, why billions of people share their thoughts and ideas and promote themselves on social media. In a more literal meaning, it’s why video has proliferated. If you want your work to […]
Scorpio Season: Shed What No Longer Serves You
Destruction comes before creation. If you want to reinvent yourself, you must destroy the parts of yourself that are in the way.
Venus Cazimi in Libra Initiates a Renewal
For the first time in almost 100 years, Venus is having its cazimi in its home sign of Libra, marking a shift in energy and a renewal.
Spring Equinox Invites You to Restart
The spring equinox and zodiacal new year usher in the season of rebirth. A guide and journaling prompts to assist you in working with this change of season.
Contemplate Your Death
We don’t like to talk about death in our culture. But contemplating our mortality is the best way to stay aligned and consider what really matters before it’s too late.
The Practice of Freedom and Renewal
Freedom is not a destination, but a path of constant permission and acceptance.