We live in a culture that conditions us to value happiness above all else, leading us to chase this elusive emotion and dismiss or suppress our less-desired emotional states. The irony of this is that it takes us further away from the happiness we seek.
New Moon in Scorpio: Find Liberation Through Grief
The new moon in Scorpio reminds us that true transformation and liberation only come when we can accept the necessary death of things and grieve our loss.
The Unexpected Way I Found Freedom
After years of doing my own workouts at my own pace and on my terms, I’ve spent the past year doing Burn Camp and CrossFit classes. I’ve learned a surprising lesson about freedom and how to obtain it.
Celebrate Your Journey
The holiday of Sukkot teaches us that there’s plenty to celebrate even before we cross the finish line.
What Is The Difference Between Happiness and Joy?
The difference between happiness and joy, and which one will see us through a period of radical uncertainty.
Full Moon Energy: Being the Witness
By stepping back to witness our emotions with compassionate curiosity, we can create space for healing and move through them.
To Experience Joy, You Must Embrace Suffering
Lessons from the saddest holiday in the Jewish calendar.