When you set your goals, are you setting yourself up to win or setting up for disappointment? Here are 3 elements your goals need to ensure you give yourself a win that can give you momentum for the next phase.
Full Moon in Virgo: Harmonize the Details with the Big Picture
Too much focus on the details can keep us locked in perfectionism and avoiding action. On the other hand, focusing too much on the vision without taking specific actions can also keep us stuck. The full moon in Virgo invites us to mediate this tension and find a middle ground.
New Moon in Sagittarius: Clarify Where You Are to Get Where You Want to Go
The new moon in Sagittarius can be great for creating an expansive vision for 2024, with two major caveats invite us first to get clear on our vision and what is driving it.
The Limits of Logic
We often think that specifics will bring us certainty, but experience shows that logic and metrics have their limits. As Mercury in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces, we’re invited to mediate spreadsheets with intuition.
Mercury Trine Neptune: Investigate Your Imagination
When you’re drowning in external and internal noise, you can’t hear your truth or access your creativity. As Mercury trines Neptune, it invites us to tune out the noise from outside and from within, and access our deepest imagination, intuition, and wisdom.
Neptune Cazimi: Have Faith in What You Can’t See
As the Sun meets up with Neptune, it reminds us that the tangible and material experience we have each day is only one small part of what is actually happening. The illusion is believing you are solely responsible for your results in life.
New Moon in Pisces Invites Big Dreams, Trust, and Surrender
The new moon in Pisces invites us to dream big, then trust in the process and surrender to the unfolding of life. But there’s another element we must implement before we can dream big.