If we focus only on treating the symptoms, we end up playing whack-a-mole with the problem and never truly solving it.
Keep It Real
Life is light and darkness. Until you’re willing to face your problems and admit they exist, you can’t begin to work toward a solution.
The Problem With Solving Problems
We live in a culture that tells us our value is in solving problems. Where would you source your value if there were no problems to solve?
People Are Not Problems
Our fix-it culture treats every down moment as a problem to be solved. But in the rush to fix what isn’t broken, we can miss the gold.
Rejecting the Fix-It Mindset
Sometimes the biggest problem we face is the belief that we need to fix something that is broken.
Trust in the Resolution
Refraining from offering quick answers allows others to have their own insights and breakthroughs.
What If There’s Nothing to Fix?
Sometimes it’s ok to let things be as they are.