A year ago, I signed up for a high-intensity bootcamp class despite my fear of those types of classes. It’s now a fixture of my workouts. Here’s the biggest lesson I’ve learned from this past year.
The Easiest Way to Access a Flow State When You Feel Stuck
When you’re facing a blinking cursor on the blank screen and the words aren’t coming out, trying harder won’t help. This is the easiest and most simple way to find your flow state.
7 Strategies to Reset a Bad Day
Bad days happen, but they don’t need to last all day. Here are 7 strategies I use to reset a day that is going off the rails.
What I’m Learning From Doing Deadlifts
This isn’t about the deadlift. It’s about a much more crucial life skill.
It’s Time to Redefine What “Knowledge Work” Looks Like
The paradigm of “butt in chair” as the normalized standard for doing creative and thought-based work or learning is literally killing us, and isn’t the way everyone works best.
3 Core Parts to Yoga That You’re Misunderstanding
Yoga is not what you think it is. The 3 core parts of yoga that you’re misunderstanding.