After over 20 years of practicing yoga, a simple shift changed my practice and taught me that the tools we rely on for support can sometimes mask our incompetencies, preventing us from making progress and realizing our true potential.
New Moon in Leo: A Radical Reinvention
The Leo new moon invites you to get clear on what you really want and take bold, creative action to attain it.
Mars Square Uranus Disrupts What’s Dependable
We live in a culture that prizes consistency and dependability. But sometimes disruption to our routine can show us what we’ve been missing, and be the key to unlock new solutions.
Mercury Conjunct Uranus: How to Unleash Your Inner Genius
As Mercury and Uranus meet up in Taurus, it can spark us to unleash our most innovative thoughts — if we’re willing to embrace the risk of doing so.
A Life Lesson From Street Repaving
If you want to have a smooth ride, you first need to learn to tolerate the discomfort of bumps in the road.
To Make Progress, You Must Disrupt Yourself
When your momentum is constantly disrupted, it can feel like you’ll never make progress. Ironically, this disruption can be the spark to progress.