If you’ve been sitting on idea that feels contrarian to the status quo of cultural or industry norms, the Aquarius new moon invites you to initiate a process of speaking about it and working toward making it a reality.
3 Positives of Mars Square Saturn
Mars square Saturn aspects can be hard, exhausting, and test the limits of our frustration. They can also be helpful in a weird way. Here are 3 positive outcomes from Mars square Saturn.
New Moon in Taurus: Innovate a New Way to Build
The new moon in Taurus is one of the best moments of the year to initiate a new project. And the lunation is inviting us to find sustainability through innovation.
Mars/Venus Conjunction in Aquarius: Innovate in Pursuit of Your Desire
As Mars and Venus unite in innovative Aquarius, they initiate a new beginning in a creative project for the collective good and empower us to cut through all perceived limitations and obstacles in pursuit of what we truly desire.
Venus in Aquarius: Create a New Paradigm For What You Value
As Venus enters Aquarius, it invites us to revolutionize our relationships to love, money, art, beauty, and what we value, and to create a new paradigm in which we honor the myriad ways that we and others offer value.
5 Things to Know About Aquarius Season
Following Capricorn season’s focus on building structures to support our vision, Aquarius season invites us to consider that sometimes structure is what’s in the way. Here are 5 important things to know about Aquarius season and how to work with its energy.