As Mercury and Uranus meet up in Taurus, it can spark us to unleash our most innovative thoughts — if we’re willing to embrace the risk of doing so.
How to Create a Space Where People Thrive
When choosing a space for your best work, most people focus on architecture and amenities, ignoring the most important feature that any space needs for us to truly thrive.
5 Ways People Try to Dump Their Shit on You — and How to Stop It
You have enough of your own shit to deal with without taking on other people’s shit. It’s time to keep that shit where it belongs.
3 Elements to Effectively Market Your Business
To effectively market your business you must tell a compelling story about what you offer in a way that resonates clearly with the people you serve. This requires that you understand what business you are really in.
The Best Way to Grow Your Business
Last week: I was jamming to Pitbull (a surprise guest) on day 1 of Tony Robbins’ Unleash the Power Within event and preparing for my 8th firewalk. I was attending UPW as a member of the volunteer event staff — part of the Crew program for UPW graduates. It was my 7th time serving on crew. Over […]
How Decisions Shape Our Destiny
5 years ago today was the first Thursday in November, 2010. Although I didn’t know it at the time, my life would never be the same again.