There’s no shortage of opinions about what is the best type of workout and it’s easy to get overwhelmed. I haven’t missed a daily workout in over 11 years, and I’ve done it all. Here’s my unbiased opinion on what’s the best.
The Challenge of Working Out in Grief
The internet is filled with strategies and tips for how to workout even in your grief. But even the best strategies may not work for you some of the time.
5 Ways to Work With Eclipse Energy
Eclipses can be destabilizing and disruptive times. Here are 5 ways to work with this energy to nourish your nervous system and stay grounded.
5 Tips to Handle Low Energy Days with ADHD
The reality of life with ADHD is that some days, you just can’t seem to get it going. Here are 5 tips for navigating those days when the brain just doesn’t plug in.
5 Keys to Stay on Schedule When You Have ADHD
For those of us with ADHD, time blindness can cause us to get off schedule, making us late and also leaving us feeling like we’re always “running behind.” Here are 5 tips to stay on schedule when you have ADHD.
Why “Eat the Frog” is the Worst Productivity Advice
In the canons of productivity advice, the advice to “eat the frog” — to do your most difficult task first — is the worst. Here’s why it’s flawed and what to do instead.
My Favorite ADHD Hack For Staying Focused on a Single Task
When attention is scattered everywhere it can be hard to focus on a single task. Here is the hack I use when I need to dial in and lock down my focus.
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