Although we mythologize the self-starter and the solopreneur, the truth is that doing hard things takes more than desire and discipline. Here are 3 strategies to help you do the hard tasks.
5 Reasons to Workout When You’re Grieving
Sometimes grief can drain our motivation to do the things we know are good for us. Here are 5 reasons to workout, even when you’re grieving.
The One Simple Change That Has Helped Me PR Every Lift
Over the past 3 weeks I’ve hit new PRs in every lift, even as my schedule and focus have been in disarray. Here’s the one simple change that has played a crucial role in my success.
Undoing the Trauma of Urgency
The constant pull of urgency privileges clock time over our personal rhythms and can create a trauma on the body. To preserve our well-being, we must learn to undo this trauma by embracing our own pace.
A Revolutionary Way to Think About Time That Will Help You Never Lose Time Again
When you think about time as a resource to be used, allocated, and managed, you fall into a trap that can lead to time scarcity. Here’s a revolutionary way to consider time that will prevent you from ever losing time again.
How to Entrain to Your Natural Rhythm
Being on the coast is a constant invitation to stop and rest; to be in stillness. It will entrain you back to your natural rhythm.
The Seductive Spirit of Santa Catalina
Santa Catalina is remote. It’s hard to get here. It’s even harder to leave. What compels people to stay?