It’s no accident that the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah falls in Capricorn season. Here are 3 ways Hanukkah reflects the Capricorn archetype and the practical ways you can apply this ancient wisdom to your life.
Your Most Valuable Asset (Hint: It Isn’t Time)
It’s engrained in our cultural thinking that time is our most valuable asset, but this is false. Our most valuable asset is that which dictates how we work within time.
New Moon in Gemini: Explore Your Ideas and Pick a Path
The New Moon in Gemini magnifies all of our brilliant ideas and insights, and also forces us to choose a one to implement. Even twins are born one at a time.
You’re Not Undecided. You’re Uncommitted.
What you might think is “indecision” usually isn’t indecision, but lack of commitment. Whether for yourself or in a prospect, here’s a simple way to tell the difference.
5 Factors That Impact How Long It Takes to Get Things Done
To allocate time well is to understand how long something will take. Here are 5 factors that impact how long it can take to do a task.
Jupiter Conjunct the North Node in Taurus Initiates Opportunity
For most of us, it will be a once-in-a-lifetime transit that can seed abundant opportunity. But if mishandled, it can lead to spectacular harm.
Venus Conjunct Uranus in Taurus: Revolutionize Your Relationship With Your Resources
What happens when the planet of relationships, money, and pleasure meets up with the planet of innovation and revolution in a sign notorious for resisting change? An invitation to examine our relationships to money, pleasure, comfort, and change itself.