Science shows that the moments when it looks and feels like we’re not doing much are the moments when the brain is working more to innovate and be creative. The challenge is in letting it do the work.
Why the Road to Recovery is the Wrong Path
We often speak of recovery when unexpected events throw our lives off-course. But what does it really mean to recover? And what if the point is not to recover?
The Cure for What Ails Us
Lasting relief to pain, whether physical, emotional or psychological, does not come from drugs or the healthcare system. There is only one cure for the pains that ail us.
What Everyone Gets Wrong About Burnout
[spacer size=”40″] Burnout is the topic of the moment, and yet also misunderstood. Here’s what everyone gets wrong about burnout.
Maybe You Need To Do Less
[spacer size=”30″] Our culture pushes us to push ourselves in the never-ending pursuit of more. But what if the secret to success and progress is to do less?
The Really Stupid Question Everyone Asks
[spacer] It’s been eleven months since I sustained the concussion that started my year. Eleven months since the emergency room doctor sent me home with a warning that I might have a “slight headache” the next day. A slight headache that turned into months of post-concussion syndrome. Whether they’ve been following the journey from […]