Knowing the benefits of exercise doesn’t necessarily make it easier to do it. In this coaching case study, I share a tip for how to overcome a disdain for exercise.
What’s the Best Workout? Here’s the Unbiased Truth
There’s no shortage of opinions about what is the best type of workout and it’s easy to get overwhelmed. I haven’t missed a daily workout in over 11 years, and I’ve done it all. Here’s my unbiased opinion on what’s the best.
What Really Makes a Workout “Good”?
What makes a workout truly ‘good’? Questioning the metrics we use to measure success in the gym.”
5 Ways Grief Can Impact Your Workout
Grief lives in the body, so it comes with us wherever we go — including our workouts. Here are 5 ways grief can impact your workout.
5 Reasons to Workout When You’re Grieving
Sometimes grief can drain our motivation to do the things we know are good for us. Here are 5 reasons to workout, even when you’re grieving.
7 Reasons to Exercise Daily
I haven’t missed a workout in over 11 years. Here are 7 reasons why daily exercise works for me and why it can work for you too — especially if you have ADHD.
7 Strategies I’ve Used to Workout Daily for 11 Years
I haven’t missed a daily workout in 11 years. Here are 7 strategies I’ve used to compile a remarkable record of consistency.