The same strategy I’ve used to successfully help clients sell their homes for more than their asking price has also fueled a decade-long daily workout habit, a 6-year daily blog, and other long-term habits. It also works to get stalled projects moving.
The Secret to Sustaining Daily Workouts
I haven’t missed a daily workout in over a decade. This is one of my secrets for sustaining this practice and many others.
The Counter-Intuitive Way to Stay in Flow
Getting into flow feels like magic. Of course you want to stay in flow for as long as you can. The way to sustain flow is to do the one thing that you expect would kill your flow.
Jupiter Retrograde in Taurus: 3 Secrets to Sustainable Growth
As Jupiter stations retrograde in Taurus, it pulls focus on the lessons of its transit through the fixed earth sign, revealing 3 secrets to attaining sustainable growth.
3 Lessons I’ve Learned About Progress From a Decade of Daily Workouts
It’s common to feel like what you’re doing isn’t working. Before you quit, read these lessons I’ve learned in a decade of sustaining daily workouts and other core daily habits.
Want Sustainable Progress? Stop Measuring Your Results and Measure This Instead.
The settled productivity doctrine is that “you can’t manage what you don’t measure.” By this standard, measuring more frequently is better, right? Not so fast.