Every endeavor in life is a game. They key to success is to know what your best game is, and to find a way to play your best game in the context of whatever game you’re playing.
A New Language For Your Creative Process
Instead of thinking about creativity as a muscle to be strengthened, here’s a new way to consider the creative process. It will shape how you approach it for best results.
How Yoga Can Help You Be More Visible
What is the true essence of visibility? Before we can be seen by others, we must learn to see ourselves. Here’s how yoga helps.
3 Ways to Work With the New Moon in Capricorn to Plan Your Goals
Every January the new moon in Capricorn arrives to help us plan our biggest goals. Here are 3 ways to work with this energy to plan goals in a way that will keep you on track to achieving them.
How to Build Resilient Strength
Consistency is only a starting point. After over a decade of daily workouts that at best only maintained the status quo, this is what it took to start building strength. The same principle applies beyond the gym.
3 Steps to Navigate the Roadblocks of Sun Square Saturn
How do you react when your ideal vision and plans get derailed by roadblocks and obstacles? Here are 3 steps to navigate this frustrating scenario with more grace.