A singular experience of my year reveals 5 lessons I learned about the actions and mindset required to achieve goals that I didn’t even think were possible for me.
Mars in Capricorn: Plan Your Path to the Peak
Just on time for planning your year ahead, Mars arrives in Capricorn to help you lay the foundation and set up the structure that will fuel your persistence to climb to the peak of your personal mountain.
High-Intensity Patience is Crucial to Peak Performance
Giving and receiving. Hustle and flow. Closed and open. This is the dance of the masculine and feminine energies. This is the dance of life.
5 Factors That Inhibit Sensory Acuity
Sensory acuity is a crucial element of communication and peak performance. Understanding the factors that inhibit your your sensory awareness allow you to adjust your work conditions to be more effective and productive.
Yasher Koach: Turn Strength into Power
Strength and power are not the same, but can turn strength into power through alignment. This is the blessing contained in the Hebrew phrase yasher koach.
Maybe You Need To Do Less
[spacer size=”30″] Our culture pushes us to push ourselves in the never-ending pursuit of more. But what if the secret to success and progress is to do less?