What is the true essence of visibility? Before we can be seen by others, we must learn to see ourselves. Here’s how yoga helps.
A Simple Hack to Remove the Overwhelm From Your Year-End Review
If you feel overwhelmed by the prospect of doing a year-end review, here’s a simple principle that will help you hack your review and extract lessons that will actually be more useful for you as you move forward.
How to Communicate Your Ideas More Effectively
You don’t own a language when you can conjugate verbs and know vocabulary. You own a language when you can communicate your ideas effectively. And that requires a particular skill.
Mercury Cazimi in Taurus Brings Insights For The Turbulent Path Ahead
This week, a Mercury cazimi sets us up with insights and direction for what to let go as we end one chapter and begin again under turbulent conditions.
The Best Metaphor for Understanding How Your Shadow Keeps You Stuck
When my iCloud and iPhone storage both reached capacity, I learned a crucial lesson about the need for going into the dark places to look at what we push out of sight.
The Key to Finding Your Flow
When we’re feeling stuck in life, the default tends to be to focus on changing habits. But there’s a more foundational element we should check first.