When life is feeling chaotic, it’s normal to want to go off the grid. But you don’t need to travel far to find your center. Here are 3 places in your day to add pockets of intentional stillness so you can remain grounded.
Full Moon in Taurus: Find Grounding Amidst Chaos
This year’s disruptive Full Moon in Taurus offers us poignant lessons about how to find solid ground in the midst of chaos.
Why Your Regression is a Good Thing
When you find yourself regressing in your skills or in a state of confusion or disorganization, your impulse might be to panic and self-shame. Before you go down the hole, consider that your regression is a good thing.
3 Strategies to Stay Calm When the World is in Chaos
It’s naive to think that you can just compartmentalize and ignore the energy of a world in chaos and focus on getting things done. The energy impacts you whether you know it or not. Here are 3 strategies to stay calm and focused even when the world is imploding.
New Moon in Leo: A Radical Reinvention
The Leo new moon invites you to get clear on what you really want and take bold, creative action to attain it.
3 Strategies for Keeping Calm During Epic Disruption
How do you stay calm when life feels like an earthquake? Here are 3 tips to navigating disruption with greater ease.
How to Find Stability When Everything is Changing
The irony of stability is that it requires movement.